Lieutenant David Gabriel, from the Athens-Clarke County Police Department, and Melissa Christian, Executive Director of the Buddy Christian Foundation, will ride in the 2014 Police Unity Tour. This will be the third year in a row that they have ridden the Tour.

Melissa Christian and David Gabriel Celebrate the End of Day 2 of the 2013 Police Unity Tour
The Police Unity Tour is a fundraising event in which active law enforcement officers join together with survivors of fallen law enforcement officers to bicycle for hundreds of miles to Washington D.C. to kick off the start of National Police Week. The purpose of this ride is to raise awareness of law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty, and to raise funds for the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial and Museum. The motto of the Police Unity Tour is “We Ride for Those Who Died.” Each Tour participant rides in honor of a particular fallen officer. Gabriel and Christian are riding to honor the memories of Elmer “Buddy” Christian and Ivorie Klusmann.
Buddy Christian was an Athens-Clarke County Police Officer that was killed in the line of duty on March 22nd, 2011. Buddy Christian was also the husband of Melissa Christian.
Ivorie Klusmann was killed in a single vehicle crash while responding to backup another officer on August 10, 2013. Officer Klusmann had served with the DeKalb County (GA) Police Department for only 10 months. Officer Klusmann is survived by his two children.
Officers to Host Boston Butt BBQ Fundraiser
Gabriel, Christian, and the Buddy Christian Foundation have pledged to raise $4,000 for the Tour. To help raise the $4,000 in pledged funds, the Foundation will sell whole Boston Butts and Full Racks of Ribs that infamous BBQ master cooker Todd Pulliam will smoke over pecan wood.
The Foundation is selling tickets in advance. Each ticket entitles the bearer to pick up one fully cooked Boston Butt or one full Rack of Ribs on March 8, 2014 at one of two different pickup times (11am-2pm for lunch and 4pm-6pm for supper) as specified on the ticket. Pickup will be in front of the Athens-Clarke County Police Department at 3035 Lexington Road in Athens, Georgia.
Tickets may be purchased online at There are a limited number of tickets available. Boston Butt tickets are $35 each. Each Boston Butt will feed 8-10 people. Rack of Rib tickets are $20 each. Each Rack of Ribs will feed 2-3 people. All sales are final. No refunds will be issued.
About the Buddy Christian Foundation
The Buddy Christian Foundation is a nonprofit corporation with a twofold mission: prevent law enforcement line of duty deaths, and assist the surviving family members of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty.
For more information about the Police Unity Tour, the Boston Butt BBQ fundraiser, or the Buddy Christian Foundation, please call 502-694-2370 or email
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