On November 11, 2014, the Clarke County Sheriff’s Office received a grant donation of 20 Buddy Kits from the Buddy Christian Foundation. Melissa Christian, executive director of the Buddy Christian Foundation, presented the 20 Buddy Kits to Sheriff Ira Edwards, Jr. and staff at the Clarke County Courthouse. The Sheriff’s Office applied for and received a grant through the Buddy Christian Foundation that provided for matching funds in order to provide these 20 vital lifesaving pieces of equipment to the Sheriff’s field and courthouse deputies. These kits and accompanying training will help tend to critical wounds suffered in the field, and help prevent line of duty deaths. These Buddy Kits were donated in memory of Lt. William Morgan and Corporal Eddie Clark. This special delivery was made possible by the cooperative efforts of Sheriff Ira Edwards and his staff, the Athens-Clarke County Unified Government, Thrivent Financial, and the Buddy Christian Foundation.
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